- 2007, Jun 8th Fri
- Array initialization:
  * double monthly_sales[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
  * double monthly_sales[]  = { 1, 2, 3 }; // specifying size isn't necessary
  * int monthly_sales[12] = { 0 }; // all 12 elements are 0 now.
  * int monthly_sales[12] = { 1, 2, 3 }; // elements 4 - 12 are 0.
  * out of bound index is your problem.
  * arrays are passed to functions by reference only.
  * void my_initialize_function( int some_array[], int size) {
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        some_array[i] = 0;
  * void copy_array(const int a[], int b, int size) {
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        b[i] = a[i];
  * monthly_sales[0] <- first element address is the base address of the array
  * functions can not return a value of type array.

- 2007, Jun 7th Thr
- A data type is called simple if variables of that type can store only
one value at a time.
- In contrast, in a structured data type each data item is
a collection of other data items. Simple data types are building blocks of
structured data types.
- An array in C++ is a collection of a fixed number of components,
wherein all of the components are of the same data type.
- int monthly_sales[12]; // monthly_sales is an array of size 12
- int i = 0;
  cout << "January sales = " << monthly_sales[i] << endl;
- cin >> monthly_sales[11]; // read December's sales into the last space
- largest element in the array:
  maxIndex = 0;
  for(i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
    if (monthly_sales[i] > monthly_sales[maxIndex]) {
      maxIndex = i;
  cout << "Max sales were = " << monthly_sales[maxIndex];

- 2006, Jan 27th Fri
- Compound Data Types
  - strings
    - strings are sequences of characters
      "Hello World"
      (string #\h #\e #\l #\l #\o) => "hello"
    - (define superhero "Batman")
    - (string-ref superhero 0) => \#B
    - (string-append superhero " and " "Robin") => "Batman and Robin"
    - (make-string 6) => #\000 #\000 #\000 #\000 #\000 #\000 # creates a 6 char string
    - (string-set! superhero 0 #\C) => "Catman"
    - (string? superhero)
  - vectors
    (vector 1 2 3) => #(1 2 3)
    (make-vector 5) => #(() () () () ())
    (vector? some-vector)
    (vector-ref some-vector index)
    (vector-set! some-vector index value)
  - dotted pairs
    (cons "hello" 3.14) => ("hello" . 3.14)
    (define foo (cons "hello" 3.14))
    (car foo) => "hello"
    (cdr foo) => 3.14
    (set-car! foo "goodbye") # set first element
    (set-cdr! foo 2.17)      # set last  element
  - list
    () # empty list
    '() # Im talking about an empty list
    (define alist '())
    (cons 1 alist) => (1) # cons-tructing a list
    (define alist (cons 1 alist)) => (1)
    (define alist (cons 2 alist)) => (2 1)
    (define alist (cons 3 alist)) => (3 2 1)
    (define alist '(1 2 3)) => (1 2 3)
    (list-ref alist index)
    (list-tail alist index) => (2 3) # returns the tail of the list
                                     # starting from the given index
    (null? ()) => #t
  - Conversions between data types
    (char->integer #\a) => 97
    (integer->char 97) => #\a
    (string->list "hello") => #\h #\e #\l #\l #\o
    (string->number "97") => 97
    (number->string 97) => "97"
    (string->number "hello") => #f

- a "form"
  - some forms are self-evaluating e.g. 3.14 => 3.14
  - some not: (+ 1 2) => 3
  - scheme evaluates a list form
    by examining the head of the form,
    if it evaluates to a procedure,
    then the rest of the form is evaluated to get the procedures arguments.
  - special forms evaluate depending on the form.
- user created procedures
  - (lambda (procedure-args) (procedure-body))
  - (lambda (a b) (+ a b))
  - (define add (lambda (a b) (+ a b)))
  - (add 1 2) => 3
  - (apply (procedure) (list)) # applies procedure to list
  - (apply + '(1 2 3)) => 6
  - (begin forms) # forms are evaluated in sequence
     (begin (display "hello") (newline) (display "world"))
  - lambda bodies are implicit begins.
     (define greeting (lambda ((display "hello") (newline) (display "world"))))
- conditionals
  - (and 1 2) => 2 # returns final true form
    (and #f 1) => #f
  - (or 1 2) => 1 # returns first true form
    (or #f 2) => 2 
  - these forms are evaluated left to right
  - (if (x > 10)
    (if (x > 10)
        (display "ok"))
    (if (x > 10)
        (display "ok")
        (display "not ok"))

-  2006, Jan 26th Thr
abstract classes

class variables can only be accessed via a method outside of the class.
